To Brand Creators

Do you have a brand creation project ?

At CosmeFITS, we understand the unique needs of brand creators and are committed to supporting you throughout your project. Whether you are already initiated in this industry or a complete newcomer, we will adapt to guide you through this exciting journey. If you have a revolutionary idea for a new product or want to bring to life a cosmetics line that is close to your heart, our range of services covers every stage of the development process to address your various concerns and overcome all challenges alongside you.

With CosmeFITS by your side for all operational implementation, you will be able to focus serenely on your creativity and aspirations.

Our services:

We provide you with all our expertise and our extensive network of partners to precisely meet your needs. Feel free to contact us today to discuss your challenges and goals.

Your success is our priority ! CosmeFITS is your trusted partner to overcome all challenges.

  • Assistance in defining a clear vision and analyzing the marketing strategy to adopt

  • Presentation, if necessary, of new market trends, evolving consumer habits

  • Study of the target market and your positioning on this market

  • Identification and highlighting of the project's competitive advantage

  • Drafting of the Marketing Brief

Brand Strategy Consultation : fine-tune your target audience

  • Study of technical and economic feasibility

  • Drafting of the technical specifications

  • Launch of tenders and selection of partners involved in the project

  • Construction of a retroplanning with key milestones

  • Estimation of the Industrial Cost Price and Selling Price

Guidance in Conceptualisation : turn your idea into a project

  • Sourcing of raw materials, perfumes, and active ingredients

  • Identification of formulas available in private labelling or

  • Custom formulation according to your specifications for your unique cosmetic products

Formulation : dive into the heart of the product

  • Sourcing primary and secondary packaging items

  • Development of personalised packaging withspecific molds and tools

  • Approval of packaging

Packaging Development : create an attractive package that reflects your brand identity

  • Implementation and monitoring of stability and compatibility testing plans

  • Management of microbiological tests, safety and tolerance tests, toxicological evaluation

  • Management of efficacy tests, performance tests, and consumer panel tests

  • Checking and adapting the information on the label (claims, composition, mandatory information, etc.)

R&D and Compliance Testing : ensure the safety and efficacy of your products

  • Definition of your graphic charter

  • Construction of Artworks and validation of technical aspects of the decor

  • Management of the graphic chain from the Artwork to Color Proof approval on the production site

  • Definition of color triptychs

  • Assembly and validation of mockups

Graphic Design : enhance your image

  • Cost estimation of the operation

  • Coordination of the pilot production (including the supply of various components)

  • Management of prototype assembly

  • Validation and availability of supplies

Pilot Series & Prototypes : project yourself for better visualisation

  • Organisation of the first industrial trials

  • Support during the first production runs

  • Validation of the first production runs

  • Establishment of defect kits and tolerance margins for self-checking and release inspection

Production and Conditioning : move from prototype to finished goods

Quality Control and Quality Assurance : ensure the quality and safety of your products

  • Management of release inspection

  • Establishment of a sampling plan for quality control in case of non-compliance

  • Definition and management of corrective actions

  • Establishment of a self-checking plan for quality monitoring

  • Management of tests with accredited bodies

  • Drafting of technical responses to consumer complaints

  • Update or complete the Product Information Files (PIF)

  • Targeted regulatory monitoring

  • Assistance with notification on the European CPNP portal (Cosmetic Product Notification Portal)

  • Compilation of the Export registration file

  • Review of documents for public consumption (communication materials, website, packaging, etc.)

Regulations : ensure compliance with local and international standards

  • Drafting of the product sheet

  • Construction of the product argument

  • Development of the promotional Marketing plan

  • Management of communication media (PLV, catalog, website, video...)

  • Management of promotional and event operations

  • Optimization of communication channels

  • Newsletter Service

Marketing and Communication : develop strategies for a successful product launch

  • Construction of an appropriate distribution network to reach your target audience

  • Optimisation of distribution channels and identification of new opportunities

  • Technico-commercial representation to distributors and other clients

  • Optimisation of your logistics plan

Distribution and Logistics : reach your consumers effectively

Whatever stage of development your brand is at, we have the skills and expertise to guide you to success. Contact us today to discuss your cosmetic brand creation project.

Your success is our pride! CosmeFITS is your ally in turning your ideas into reality.

Additional Services


We can discuss your issue to help you assess the situation, find a solution, and provide our expertise. Contact us to schedule a phone or video conference consultation.

CosmeFITS will coordinate the entire development process on your behalf and will report to you with total transparency at each stage of progress. As the conductor, we will deploy the necessary and useful means to achieve your targeted objectives of deadlines, budgets, quantity, and quality.

Expanding into new markets or promoting cosmetic products often requires in-depth expertise and local presence. CosmeFITS helps you efficiently achieve these goals. We can act as technical and commercial representatives for your product lines in the French or international market.

Project management on your behalf
Technical and Commercial Representation of Your Products

CosmeFITS is committed to supporting you

Tell us about your needs